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Hostal Sierpes is situated in the Barrio Santa Cruz, and just a few minutes away from the Plaza Alfalfa. Just a few minutes away from the hostal are Seville's new baths, "Aire de Sevilla". Below is the patio in the main building. Guests can enjoy different temperature baths, two tea rooms, massages and spa treatments.

Inside one of the baths at Aire de Sevilla.

Around the corner from "Aire de Sevilla" we find a section of the old city wall, as we near Calle Mateos Gago.

Now on Calle Mateos Gago, we stop to look up at the bell tower of Iglesia Santa Cruz.

Just a minute away from the church we find Bodega Santa Cruz, also known as "Las Columnas". This is a very popular bar amongst locals as well as tourists, and known for a large menu of economical tapas.

From same street corner as "Las Columnas" we take in a view of the Giralda.

Leaving the hostal, this time we move towards Plaza Alfalfa. Just a minute from the hostal we find the statue of (King) Rey Don Pedro.

One block from the statue is Bar Alfalfa, located on a popular street corner. The bar is a good place to begin the night with a tapa or two.

Now to the corner of Plaza Alfalfa and Horno San Buenaventura. This bakery offers pastries, coffee and is a good choice for breakfast.

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