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Hotel Adriano is in the Arenal neighborhood, between the Cathedral and the Guadalquivir River. The view from the hotel balcony of El Baratillo a small church which takes part in Semana Santa. Just behind the church is the Plaza de Toros.

Inside: this is one of the smallest churches in Seville.

We leave the hotel and make our way down Calle Adriano.

Just 100 meters from the hotel we find El Bujo, a very good choice for tapas or a full meal.

From El Bujo we follow Calle Garcia Viñuesa to the Bodega E. Morales. This is a typical tavern with two separate entrances, just a block from the Cathedral.

A few blocks away following Avenida Constitución we have a nice view of Seville's Cathedral.

We turn right and follow Calle Dos de Mayo and soon arrive at the Hospital de los Venerables.

The patio of Hospital de los Venerables.

In the evening we can find this view of the Plaza de Toros, just 3 minutes from the Hotel.

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